The open house was a great success. In the guestbook we have 38 signatures. Senior citizens, honorary citizens, children and new residents, a splendid turnout.
We think that 38 is quite good in the midst of all Christmas preparation, given the cold spell, snowstorms and recent electricity failures. Guests asked many questions and older staff had many stories to tell. Halldóra Játvarðardóttir (over 70) told here guide many things about former gear and arrangements while she was working in the factory. It surprised her how much had actually changed, given that the core process is more or less the same as it ever was.
The children got an insigt to the factory, machinery, their parents' roles and tasks and what products can be made from seaweed.
Thorverk will repeat this open house for visitors. Next time around probably with an historical twist. There were so may good stories to tell. They should be collected. Therefore, if you have interesting pnotos that show some of the history of Thorverk, please hand them over for scanning to either Finnur or Maria. Welcome to the next open house!
Have a happy seaweed winter solstice.