
Links to analysis, certifications of organic and sustainable harvest, as well as safety sheets

The colour can shift according to season
The colour can shift according to season

Below you can verify 1) Certifications 2) Scientific papers that describe ingredients' variations in  macro-algea and results of typical analysis 3) Safety sheets for both Ascophyllum nodosum and Laminaria digitata


1)Thorverks products are annually certified by respected international auditing agencies:

 IQAQuality Assurance International (QAI) audits our production and operations. The certification is issued annually after inspection. As examples we attach 2017 Certificate for organic production. Certification. A certification is added annually. 



 USDA certifiedAfter passing a thorough inspection annually Thorverk is allowed to use the certified label USDA for products that are imported to the US according to an annual audit of our performance. 

  The QAI audits and certifications allow us to use the label from the United States Department of Agriculture as certifying a pure and natural organic product. 


OTCO audits our wild harvest.

OTCO certified

Their annual audits certify the full traceability of our products from harvesting sites to delivered bags of algal-meal from Thorverk's production plant. OTCO certification means that our methods and schemes for sustainable harvest are recognised and that we follow them through.



 Tún LógóEuropean leaf and Icelandic audit. Tún vottaðThe Icelandic auditor "Vottunarstofan Tún" is an independent inspection- and certification body. The agency audits for organic and sustainable production, operation and resource harvesting. Their audits are carried out annuallly and the certificates issued accordingly. 




2) Ingredients and analysis

Thorverk´s products are 100% organic and natural. The raw material is only dried and milled.  During the production process nothing is added and nothing is removed except for steamed water. The contents of the meal can and will vary due to seasonal variations. The ingredients reflect natural conditions in the wild growth patches. Thorverk does not have all batch of harvest. chemically analysed. Asco can be used to mix into animal feed in small amounts.  Asco and Lam are not fit for human consumption untreated. 

Sometimes customers are not familiar with the terms used in standard international units. Here is an example of the meaning of ppm. Lets say hypothetically for the amount of iodine in seaweed: 

NotaBene! most tablet producers pre-treat the seaweed and use several species in their mixtures. Therefore read final product labels for more accurate amounts.  Our milled seaweed usually has humidity 7-9%. Often the standard for analysins is set for 12% humidity

Type of unwashed Seaweed Indicator amount  amount  one tablet (eq 0,56g) or ppm 
Units  mg/kg mg/100g mg/1g mg/1 tablet   
Laminaria d 862 8,6 0,86 0,43   862
Ascophyllum  4700 47 4,7 2,6  4700

  Fletcher et al 2016 

Things that affect the composition of the end-products are intensity of sunlight, temperature and other weather factors, seasons, and wave action, drift ice and age of seaweed. Because of these natural fluctuations we cannot issue a Standard Certificate of Analysis for each batch and we do not analyse every batch. We provide instead a Typical Analysis as shown below. 

Typical analysis for Ascophyllum nodosum

Typical analysis for Laminaria digitata 

 Upon request Thorverk can have single batches of meal analysed by an independent body but this must be paid by the interested purchaser. Meal of Asco and Laminaria are not meant for human consumtion. It needs pretreament or blending with other species as not to override the maximum allowed contents of Cd and As. 

Also, please note definitions in Thorverk´s Standard Terms and Conditions.

 3) Information concerning safe handling and health risks 

Below are links to the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Asco and Lam  

Laminaria digitata   Claims according to new regulations 

Ascopyllum nodosum